3814 Highbridge Rd

Fairfax VT 05454


Customer Service

Appointment Only

Office Hours by Appointment

Firearms Transfers

Signal Firearms will help you take possession of a new or used firearm as quickly and easily as possible, even if you do not purchase it from us. Firearm transfers are done by appointment only, usually evenings and weekends.  We will help you complete all the necessary paperwork and conduct whatever background checks are required by law.

  • We will only accept out-of-state firearm transfers from licensed firearms dealers (FFL). We do accept face-to-face individual transfers over the counter from out-of-state individuals. If you wish to purchase a firearm from an out-of-state individual, they must ship it through the local FFL (gun store).
  • If a transferred firearm (bought from somewhere else) is left un-transferred for greater than thirty (30) days with no contact from you, it will become the property of Signal Firearms, LLC.
  • If you decide to return your transfer firearm prior to taking possession of it, or you fail the background check, there is a $40 fee plus any applicable shipping charges to return the firearm to the seller.
  • Background check fees are charged regardless of pass/fail. No refunds are given.
  • If you think you are prohibited from owning firearms, check with an attorney or conduct your own background check prior to purchasing a firearm online.
  • If you attempt to purchase a firearm online with the intent of giving it to someone who is prohibited from possessing firearms (straw purchase), we will report the incident to local, state, and federal law enforcement officials and assist with your prosecution to the fullest extent allowed by law. See the “Don’t Lie For the Other Guy” website for more details.


Standard Transfer Fee: $35 per firearm
LE, Military, Firefighter, EMS: $25 per firearm (special request pricing)
NFA Items: Coming Soon

NOTE: This page is our official transfer price list. We will not honor any other website’s transfer fees.

Attention: Federal Firearms License Information Required

We need to have your shipping dealer’s Federal Firearms License on file as part of the transfer process. Please have your seller send their signed Federal Firearms License to us using this form. Your seller can see our FFL license by clicking HERE or request a copy by emailing ffl@signalfirearms.com.

Federal Firearms License Information

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

License Holder Information

Please complete the following information.
Signal Firearms