3814 Highbridge Rd

Fairfax VT 05454


Customer Service

Appointment Only

Office Hours by Appointment

About Us

In 2018, Vermont started to see many new changes to gun laws, all met with different levels of frustration understanding and interpreting them. As an individual that acquired both new and used guns, I was shocked at the prices local gun shops charged to complete background checks ranging up to $100/firearm. Worse yet, very few accommodated my Monday-Friday day, which often made completing the transfer brutal.

Thus, in 2018 I opened Signal Firearms from my kitchen table. I started SFA because I wanted to expand the hours my fellow gun enthusiast could complete their purchase at hours and prices that were friendly and affordable. While we are not your run-of-the-mill brick-and-motor store to browse, I try my best to treat every customer like family.

Need an item that we do not have in stock? Let us special order it, No problem!

Signal Firearms